Jimmy Monkey @ One North

Mirror Mirror on the Wall


Jimmy Monkey is nestled amongst lush greenery and set in an old conservation army barracks.

To comprehend more seats in this little cozy space, the existing tables was being replaced by a long table bench and it turns out to be a space where customers are able to look out to the lovely greeneries.

Extending a relaxed home- coming to its customers, this brand new look was designed to melt away all stresses of a hectic city life.

Coming into every little detail, the famous Toilet bowl from the barrack itself and the lighting ambience was one of the few reasons that hyped up the space.

Scaled by dark tinted mirror that fills up the entire wall up from the bench to the height of the window. This material ensemble presents a spacious and comtemporary retreat.

Greens & Pastry


Concerned that the owner’s request for the herb plants drawer would dwarf the visual appearance of this small space, hence we‘ve created a wider impression of space with a dark tinted mirror door that covers the DB box which also reflects the drawers, lighting and movement in the space.

Speaking of the pastry section, the gigantic coffee roasted has been shifted to another space for a better reason, thus the pastries could rest on a individual pocket of that space.
Choosing correct lighting fixture and lighting also helps to create a better visual impression and attractiveness of the pastry space while creating a soothing and relaxing ambience with its glowing effect.

The chameleon of all materials, laminates can take on practically and lock in terms of the colour, print and texture. Hence, we’ve carefully chosen a fine looking wood grain laminate from Admira Laminates. (laminate: Deep Mode Walnut)

The Enclosed Kitchen


Despite being a relatively low-key space, the kitchen is actually full of interesting design details. The headboard painted in black is to allow the chefs to showcase their dishes of the month/week of day.

Black Graphite subway tiles were utilised as the running pattern on the enclosed kitchen walls instead of blue, which comes in varying heights for a visually appealing space.

The new kitchen concept has incorporate a L-Shaped food pass that improves the work flow and kitchen operation. Adding on with the heat lamps to keep the food warmth while waiting to being served!

Meanwhile, to save on cost and for a matching look, the slabs from the wooden crates was being dismantled to be re-used at this space once again, but these wooden slabs also enhance the durability of the utilitarian zone to keep up with the owner’s usage.

Function wise, it helps the busy cooking zone remain free and clutter on a daily basis, as well as to contain the greasy smell in the kitchen as much as possible from the heavy cooking.

Secondly, the lighting ambience in the kitchen has been brightened up with cool white down lights, so as to be sure that the chefs are preparing the dishes under a safety yet hyped environment.

HafaryArtisan Graphite

Nippon PaintMatte Black

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